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2024 - Earned Sentence Credits




HB 45 Earned sentence credits; incarceration prior to entry of final order of conviction.
Introduced by: Holly M. Seibold [D] 

.Provides that any period of incarceration in any correctional facility for which a person was held on the charge of conviction, including any period of incarceration prior to conviction, shall be used in calculating such person's earned sentence credits.

12/21/23  House: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice

01/30/24  House: Assigned Courts sub: Criminal
01/31/24  House: Subcommittee recommends reporting (7-Y 1-N)
01/31/24  House: Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations

02/05/24  House: Assigned App. sub: Transportation & Public Safety
02/07/24  House: Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 3-N)
02/07/24  House: Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)

02/13/24  House: Read third time and passed House (59-Y 39-N)

02/14/24  Senate: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice

02/26/24  Senate: Reported from Courts of Justice with substitute (10-Y 5-N)
02/26/24  Senate: Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations

02/26/24  Senate: Reported from Courts of Justice with substitute (10-Y 5-N)
02/26/24  Senate: Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations

03/04/24  Senate: Reported from Finance and Appropriations with amendments (10-Y 5-N)

03/06/24  Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute with amendments HB45S1
03/06/24  Senate: Passed Senate with substitute with amendments (21-Y 18-N)

03/07/24  Senate: Senate requested conference committee
03/07/24  House: House acceded to request
03/07/24  Senate: Conferees appointed by Senate
03/07/24  Senate: Senators: Aird, Carroll Foy, Stanley
03/07/24  House: Conferees appointed by House
03/07/24  House: Delegates: Seibold, Simon, Bloxom

03/08/24  Conference: Amended by conference committee
03/08/24  Senate: Conference report agreed to by Senate (21-Y 19-N)
03/08/24  House: Conference report agreed to by House (55-Y 38-N)
03/08/24  House: VOTE: Adoption (55-Y 38-N)

03/21/24:  Vetoed.

Bill text here.


HB 451 Enhanced earned sentence credits; exemptions; felony drug offenses.
Introduced by: Chris Obenshain (by request) [R]

Removes any person convicted of a second or subsequent felony drug offense from being eligible to earn enhanced earned sentence credits.
1/08/24  House: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice

02/13/24  House: Left in Courts of Justice

Bill text here.


HB 1179 Enhanced earned sentence credits; exemptions; firearm-related offense; felony conviction.
Introduced by: Scott A. Wyatt [R]
Removes any person convicted of a felony offense involving a firearm from eligibility for enhanced earned sentence credits and restricts any person convicted of a felony for an offense that occurred while a prisoner in a local, state, or community correctional facility from receiving any further earned sentence credits.

01/10/24  House: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice

02/13/24  House: Left in Courts of Justice

Bill text here.


SB 476 Earned sentence credits; inchoate offenses; concurrent and consecutive sentences.
Introduced by: Mark J. Peake [D]
Earned sentence credits; inchoate offenses; concurrent and consecutive sentences. Provides that a person who is convicted of an inchoate offense will earn sentence credits at the same rate as someone who is convicted of the completed offense for certain enumerated offenses. The bill also specifies that the provision in current law providing that a person who has been convicted of certain enumerated offenses may earn a maximum of 4.5 sentence credits for each 30 days served on any sentence for such offenses also applies to any other sentence that is to be served concurrent with or consecutive to any such sentence. The bill also clarifies that the provisions regarding the earning of credits for concurrent and consecutive sentences apply retroactively.
01/09/24  Senate: Referred to Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services

01/26/24  Senate: Passed by indefinitely in Rehabilitation and Social Services (8-Y 7-N)

Bill text here

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