A phrase that I have grown to use a lot is, "People want a microwavable solution to problems that require an oven of activism." I have been fighting on the front line for the past 21 years at 10 different facilities, and never before have I seen the type of hype that is permeating the system at this point in time. Yes the enthusiasm is great, but I have never been one to believe the hype. No, it takes work to achieve your goals. So many have expressed disappointment with the bills that have failed this year, and while this is understandable, we cannot allow this to discourage us. Everyone wants something for nothing. Everybody wants heaven, but nobody wants to die. Where is the quid pro quo (something for something)? Largely over the past 2 decades there have been only a few advocates/organizations pushing for reform. There have not been many on the outside or the inside, and now everyone is upset. Good! Now channel that energy into making the changes that we desire. If your dissatisfied, get even more dissatisfied, for only 100% dissatisfaction brings about a 100% complete change. We have to build on the changes from 2020 and make more changes in 2021.
Hassan Shabazz, Augusta Correctional Center, VAPOC, VAPJN, CFJ