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Brandon Seward

Today I walked in the dining hall fully expecting to meet my man Kinetic to discuss the status of the newly formed Sussex 2 Human Rights Committee’s (HRC) “Petition to Citizens.” When I walked in I sat at a table alone to wait for bruh. Almost immediately this younger brother looking like he could be 19 or 20 years old walked to the table and asked, ” Is anyone sitting here?” With so many tables available, and my focus on conversing with Kinetic about sensitive information, I normally would almost automatically say, “yeah bruh.” Yet when I looked at him I paused for a second. What struck me is that the young brother “looked” so young. I then got that feeling you get when you see innocence. You know that instant feeling of protectiveness? So I said, “Nah man you good.” When he sat down he was immediately sociable and polite, “How you doing man.” Pleasantly surprised and quite honestly almost proud I said, “I’m good man. How about you?” In an assuring way he nodded while replying, “I’m alright.” Staring at him curiously wondering what the hell this youngin’ did to be sitting across from me at a Supermaximum Security Prison I said, “that’s what’s up.” Unaware my man Kinetic had entered the mess hall, It surprised me when he said, “what up bruh” as he began sitting. We jumped right into HRC business. After about 15 minutes when it was understood that we had exhausted the matter the young brother said, “yeah man it’s crazy y’all over here talking about these issues because I just wrote a letter to everyone in the administration explaining that I wanted to start a program to help the Juveniles here.” He continued, “I even volunteered to mentor in the Re- entry pod. I just want to be productive you know.” Noticing that he had a red folder with him I asked, “Do you have that letter with you right now?” “Yeah” he responded enthusiastically. So I sat there and read the letter and needless to say, I was blown away. What amazed me was how quickly I felt both the sincerity and desperation in the letter. I knew as soon as I finished that it had to be shared with the public. There are so many portions of the letter that reveal who we are as a society. Why is it that we continue to produced these inhumane social phenomenons? Even worse, How is it that many of us can be complicit through our silence and inaction? What are we for real? Nevertheless, here’s the young brothers plea for help in a letter: **************************************** March 28, 2018 Randell Hakeem Love Barkley Jr #1202394 H/U 4A-33 (T)

Re: Juvenile Mentoring

Dear D.O.C. Admin.,

First, I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits, and upon it’s arrival you are at peace. Second as you already know my name is Randell Barkley Jr. I’m writing this letter because it’s been weighing on my heart to present to you what I’ve been thinking; to help solve, not just a DOC problem but a society problem. So for starters I want to briefly introduce myself in more detail.

I’m 26 years old (will be 27 in April). I have been in the Penitentiary since I was 16 years old. I was sent to Powhatan Correctional Center first. When I was 17 they sent me to Sussex 1. It wasn’t until a few years later that the LW changed prohibiting juveniles from being housed with the adults. So, yes, it was a hellish experience walking the yard and living in cells with people my parents age. I wasn’t prepared for it, and it took a lot of getting used to.

I was sentenced to Three (3) Life Sentences plus 10 years without the possibility of parole because there’s no parole in Virginia (God willing I will not have to do it), but for the time being I will be here. While here I don’t want to be classified as a Misfit. Nor do I want to do Dead time. I’m pending a job in the Kitchen, I’m pending vocational classes, and I’m awaiting response from two Universities. I really want to be a mentor, and Orator which is why I’m hoping to get my degree in “Communications” as well as “Sociology.”

Now the purpose for this letter is I’m aware of the juvenile block up here, and I want to Volunteer my time- FREE OF CHARGE & I SEEK NO SPECIAL TREATMENT- to be a mentor to the youthful inmates, help them prepare for what it will be like, help them mentally & spiritually. I ask that you consider that their advice & support I will provide is coming from a Juvenile Lifer who wasn’t prepared to be an adult inmate, but adapted, adjusted, and thankfully (to God) was able to learn how to do time. I, do submit myself to be interviewed. My institutional records/charges checked, criminal charges checked, I’m no longer in a G*ng, I’ve been charge free for almost 3 years. All I hope to accomplish is to help those kids over there with all the knowledge I have. Dedicate my time to prevent them from coming back to prison upon upon release, and how not to get sent to Red Onion & what to expect while they are locked up.

I end this letter with the hope to be blessed with this opportunity to keep bring excellence to Sussex 2.

Thank you for reading & hopefully considering the letter.

With Kind Regards Randell H.L. Barkley Jr **************************************** There are so many layers to this letter. What immediately stood out to me was the tone of the letter. The cry for meaning. Could you imagine how hard it is to find purpose in life when you were imprisoned at 16 and told you’ll be there for the rest of your life? So what we’re talking about is psychological. How does the adolescent mind develop in a place like this. He may never have a child, live with a woman, pay rent, a car payment, taxes, and a gazillion other things that are essential for human development. There’s a part in the letter where the young King speaks of “hoping” he doesn’t have to serve his sentence, which is in itself an example of a lack of awareness of the consequences of that sentence. Like no one can serve that sentence. That sentence is a Death Sentence!

The absolutely amazing thing to me is that this young brother still has Hope. Along with the desire to become a better human begin by helping other human beings shows a diving spirit within his vessel. I mean, Could you imagine if your child was given 3 Life Sentences? And in many ways he’s much more wiser than many people out there who’ve experienced all of the things I mentioned earlier. Many people lose all hope and love with much less adversity. It’s like some of us are looking for any reason to either become Nihilistic or Depressed. Yet this Young God is begging to have an opportunity to give love to others. The Lesson spiritually in this is our “attitude,” “mood,” “demeanor,” etc is a choice. You don’t have to be miserable or callous, you’re choosing too be! From a social perspective, there’s a lot for us to learn from this tragedy, but most importantly for me is Mass Incarceration in Virginia is a human rights catastrophe! Truth in Sentencing must go! Bring Parole Back in Virginia!!! Randell is one of Thousands of stories where men and women are thrown away like trash. Remember if your government is doing this it’s because you allow them! SILENCE IS CONSENT!!!!!!!!!!!

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