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Brandon Seward

Big Brother, A Poem

Big Brother, Part 1

A poem by Leon Cherry, River North Correctional Center

February 2018

Big brother, lil' brother years apart in creation,

but if you take a good look at us both,

you can tell -- we are related.

Even though many may say we are far from being twins,

they are not realizing that we are identical,

not in our appearance but in our DNA of the

American Ancestry within.

Inequality is our father.

I was his first son to be and he taught me how

not all humans deserve to be free

and being your Big Brother, I instilled this in you

steadily, leading by example, so you would know

how important it is -- to preserve our legacy.

Because larger than any status, way bigger than any name

is that our control of justice, wealth, and freedom

continues -- to remain.

So what you are doing now are the lessons I gave to you -take it from me,

keep 'em separated and suppressed...

You are making your Big Brother proud,


Big Brother, Part 2

A poem by Leon Cherry, River North Correctional Center

February 2018

Lil' brother, big brother, years apart in creation

but if you take a good look at us both,

you can tell we are related

even though we are not the same in the way

our structures are arranged.

The blood of this being "our country" runs through

both our veins.

Racism is our mom, and she really spoiled me,

letting me take 5 to every 1 and then hang in the pod --

or on my yard instead of being in a tree.

See big bro' I learned from you that our family comes

first even at the cost of separating theirs

and using them for cheap worth.

I seen how you did it using lashes and chains

but I use 3 strikes, ankle monitors, mandatory minimums and felony limitations to ensure our legacy remains.

All I'm doing is applying the lessons you gave me

about preservation -- keeping 'em separated

and suppressed...

It's good to know I'm making you proud.

Your little brother,

Mass incarceration.

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